Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shoal Bay, BC

Coming home.

We left Port Harvey this morning (July 20) at 5:00am. Port Harvey is the last, easternmost anchorage in the Broughton Archipelago. We entered Johnstone Strait in gale warnings (but that's been a daily occurrence up here)about 5:30 and headed up Sunderland Channel. We had to stop for an hour because we were a little too early to go through Whirlpool Rapids (they were running at 6 knots when we got there - too fast for Nellie), but by 11:00 they were at 3.5 knots and doable. That got us to Green Point Rapids at exactly slack tide - wow, I think it's the first time we've ever gone through them at slack. Piece of cake. We are at the government dock in Shoal Bay, a great little spot for any of you who feel like cruising up here with us some time.....On the dock at Shoal BayView from the Shoal Bay dock

We will spend the next few days up here in the Eastern Johnstone Strait area, then head over to Campbell River on Friday, when the winds are supposed to be calm. (But we'll believe that when we see it.)

We only traveled about 40 statute miles today, but we entered a different climate....we went from fleece and warm jeans to shorts and flip-flops. Ahhhh, it feels like summer today! (And this morning it was cold - about 50F - and foggy and drizzly.)Clouds over Eastern Johnstone Strait

Passed a bunch of very small, white ducks (for lack of a better word) with black heads. If Jeff and Bev would just get Braveheart up here with us, I could've radioed Jeff and asked him what they were - he'd know, I bet. Where's Mary when I need her???

Just in case anyone is keeping track, I now have the leverage. (See early post from Von Donop)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nellie, we are so glad you are in the area and heading home. Let us know when you'll arrive and we'll plan a homecoming. We are all stuck here for a variety of boat reasons-Janet and Mark don't have cushions, Jim is doing therapy and our dinghy went flat again, (ask about other problems later). Safe travels, and don't believe those 10-15kts wind reports. It slips into 25 real easy up there. Jim and Virginia
