Saturday, December 17, 2016

Day 2

Idaho, at 8am....who da ho?

I see that no one had the answer to yesterday's question of the day. Huh.

While the speed limit in Idaho is 80 mph, the limit in towns like Caldwell and Nampa is 65. However, it appears that limit is for us tourists, because local cars continue going 80. Except for small farm trucks who apparently do not have cruise control.

Ok, I am a coffee snob. We have entered the world of motel coffee. Boyd's coffee is hardly worth filling my mug...but I see a Starbucks down the street from the motel. Happy day!

Saw some geese who evidently overslept, since they're just now heading south. Later saw 3 more, heading north....maybe they were using old flip phones, or somebody forgot to google "South."

We drove through Idaho and Utah with bare, dry roads...cold (13 degrees), but sunny and dry. The Wasatch Range is beautiful to drive through! Lots of wind vanes...

We entered Wyoming and we're still in the hills....high desert, here. Big winds, but still sunny and dry. Great roads, at least for the first 10 or so miles....then we watched the truck in front of us slip, then we did a little fishtail move of our own....we had our own tango going. Quick, Bob put it into 4 wheel drive and we slowed 'way down. Wow. I'd never seen a fish tailed semi another one in the ditch and a third getting hauled out by a big winch. Yikes. Still sunny, but at 12 degrees, that shiny surface on the road isn't water, that's ice, baby. We got through unscathed, and are now in Rock Springs, Wyoming. It's still about 12 degrees, but there's a crazy wind, making it feel more like -13. Hurts my sinuses!

Tonight we are grateful for 4-wheel drive and Blizzex tires! Oh, and SUN!

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