Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18

We're in Lagoon Cove, one of our favorite places in the Broughtons. Bill (the owner) is telling his bear stories, and we feasted on a bunch of prawns - not caught by us. Bill has the magic touch when it comes to prawns. Lagoon Cove is about the only place up here where you get a kiss and a hug and a big "Welcome back!" when you come in. There are a few hiking trails up here, so we decided to stretch our legs a bit. Well, we hiked to "lookout point" (never did find it, btw) - ummmm, we were surrounded by birch and cedar....anyone remember what trees I am most allergic to?? Yes, that'd be cedar and birch. By the time we realized it, we were already up there, so we just continued (I have lots of antihistamine on board, and I did remember to take my allergy pill today), I don't want to complain that the trail was a little steep, but we got to one part of the trail and there is a knotted rope - because you have to rappel up and down the trail! Yeah, I did it. But I deserve something good (I'm thinking dinner in Comox).

We decided this morning that we're tired of dodging winds, so we're turning south and coming home. (Janet, I need to go shopping for new walking shoes when I get home. We have to start training for the Wings of Gold Half Marathon.) I have a wedding dress to finish sewing, a couple of quilts to finish for the quilt show in November, and, doggone it, some summer to enjoy! Plus, we've missed Bob's mom's 88th birthday - which is in two days, but we won't be home for it. So, Happy Birthday, Borg!

Three weeks in the Broughtons are enough. We've been to all the spots we like, some several times, we've crossed and recrossed Queen Charlotte Straits three times - it's time to come home!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo Hoo! We'll be looking for you on the dock. Jim and Virginia
