Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Port McNeill, 2nd time around

We came across the straits today during a gale warning....the water was flat as a pancake, with no wind to speak of. Don't know where Environment Canada gets its weather info, but I'm guessing that may be more than just a convenient way to see if it's going to be nice at home. There have been gale warnings every day for the past 4 or 5 days, so we decided to just go ahead and go for it. We leave early (about 5:00AM) and so far we have missed the winds.

We both thought we'd lost some weight - me, mainly because my jeans are too big - but now I have decided it's just because they've gotten stretched out from being worn many days. (If, when it dries, it can be easily brushed off, it doesn't count as dirt, right?) You'd be surprised at how many days you can wear a pair of jeans. Today we put on anything that was clean and took two big LL Bean bags (the BIG ones - thank you, Ross) of dirty clothes up to the laundromat. Ahhhhh....when we were in Sullivan Bay we washed only a couple pairs of jeans and shirts each - had to limit ourselves to one load only, given the price of laundry! ($5 to wash, $5 to dry, plus tax)

We will stay here tonight (and maybe tomorrow, we'll see how the winds look) and then I'd like to go to Sointula, just across the way, only about 4 miles from here. After that, we're going to wind up Tribune Channel - we found several bays and areas that we have never visited, so that's next. We'll start up Knight Inlet and see how it goes. That inlet connects directly to Johnstone Straits, though, so if it's windy we may change that plan. We always seem to be running from the wind up here....unlike home, a high pressure area up here means high winds. At home, when we get our summertime high it's lovely sunny weather - not so much up here, although we have had some sun, finally.

So far, the seafood tally has not changed: Crab - 16, Shrmip - 43, Fish - 1 (how sad)


  1. OK, now, Jim wants to know how big was the fish? And, 16 crab is a lot of crab. I might get tired of crab if I ate 8. We got tired of pasta. It seemed the fall back food for any night I didn't know what to cook. The night I had rice Jim was very happy. Jim's leg /back/rump is better. The steroids seem to be working. We are waiting to start therapy; we have planned a Holland Amerca cruise to make up for the lack of cruising in our own boat. That's sad! Next year,we're doing it for months!! Take care, and pay attention to the breeze in the afternoons. Jim and Virginia

  2. I think you found the seafood diet. I hear it is fabulous and the jeans just fall right off! :)
    As for me, I'm working on the diet with the "sassy water" I adore reading about the "new" fad diets. ha ha...

    2 quarts of water infused overnight with:
    1 med cucumber
    1 sm lemon
    1 tsp grated ginger
    12 leaves spearmint

    Okay, here's the secret - you're drinking so much more water ;)
