Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31

Wow, last day of August....Philip starts kindergarten tomorrow. I can't believe it. Seems like he was just a little, bitty guy last year!

Bob spent the weekend in Oshkosh with his old college buddy. That means he had to stop in Milwaukee on the way home for brats, sausage and cheese. :) I heart Usinger's! Aaah, I've had a braunschweiger sandwich for lunch the past two days. YUM. That's enough. My arteries are beginning to crackle when I walk.

The heat is making a comeback this week. Tomorrow and Friday will be in the mid 90's, with matching humidity. Aaah, memories of the summers of my childhood. Yuk. On Saturday my sister is having her annual "Nana party." It's for her grandchildren who had birthdays during the summer....this year we're feting Alexander (my great-great nephew) and Reed (my great nephew), who are turning 4 and 2, respectively. My sister goes all out for this party - she organizes games for the kids where they can win prizes (last year Miles won all the prizes) and they get streamers, balloons, games, etc. She spends a frickin' fortune on junk toys. Each time a kid wins a game they go to a big bucket and choose a prize. They have a fantastic time. It is supposed to rain in the morning but get nice in the afternoon.....keeping all digits crossed.

So, plan on pictures on Sunday.....

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